Wednesday, April 20, 2005

No Blogger Left Behind, Addendum 1

So Dave IMed one day and pointed out that not all Republicans favor NCLB. Turns out he's right:

Rock on, Utah. (NY Times. 4/20).

Two simple quotes:

"The Republican-dominated Utah Legislature on Tuesday passed a bill that orders state officials to ignore provisions of the federal law that conflict with Utah's education goals or that require state financing."

"Federal officials fear Utah's action could embolden other states to resist what many states consider intrusive or unfunded provisions of the federal law, known as No Child Left Behind."

And all heroes must have their villains:

"Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings warned in a letter to Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah on Monday, however, that depending on how the state were to apply the bill's provisions, the Department of Education might withhold $76 million of the $107 million that Utah receives in federal education money. Several lawmakers said the secretary's letter seemed to be a threat."

Way to punish children, Spellings!

Peace and love,

Sketch E.


Blogger Sketch E. said...

Hey I just wanted to send a special thanks to everyone who gave me such positive feedback about yesterday's blog. I was a bit nervous, since politics isn't usually my thing. Guess you can take the journalist out of the jungle but ...

Anyway, thanks for all the support!

2:03 AM  

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